Thursday, March 10, 2011

Two random works in various stages of completion

The vine charcoal/graphite drawing/details are from an assignment in Intro. Drawing II. I didn't quite finish the piece in time for the critique. The objective was to render a surreal landscape by referencing/observing a pile of trash and assorted junk. It's kind of a terrible drawing overall, but some of the textures are successful.

The last photo was taken earlier this week, and I've since made more progress. So far in Painting I, we've been solely concerned with mixing color. These are simple color studies -- merely sketches in oil paint -- of a single object. I've chosen a Duplo guy (obviously). I try to bring as much fun and personality to these elemental assignments -- necessary though they may be. The lower left Duplo guy is done in grayscale (save for the bright yellow pop of the background); the other still life employs a dull color palette; the final study will be highly saturated with color. I'll post a more current image this weekend.