Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I am probably the slowest artist in the Art & Design building. I'm obsessed with fine, minute detail and careful rendering of surface texture (sometimes at the expense of any given composition's overall impact). Such was the case on Monday during a still life exercise for AFND 102: Intro. to Drawing II. We were instructed to black out a large sheet of drawing paper with compressed charcoal, and then render a bundle of cloth suspended from the ceiling using erasers (though reapplication of charcoal was permitted to deepen dark values). As you will observe, I did not complete the exercise during the allotted time in class. Furthermore, I snapped this photograph with the crummy camera built into my cell phone. Still, I think this result demonstrates my progress as a technician since I started coursework in KU's Visual Art Dept. -- simultaneously suggesting the vastness of all I've yet to learn and achieve.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

More Sumi

These are slightly larger Sumi ink sketches done in the same manner featured in my last post. I'm interested in seeing where this versatile technique takes me.

BONUS (please contain your excitement): A fragment from my "visual journal". . .

"The post-divorce years. . ." / Jan. 2011
This insane sketch was inspired by a number of sources, including but certainly not limited to the following: Barbie (and friends), the film adaptation of Mommie Dearest, and a late nineteenth-century painting by John Singer Sargent entitled, The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit (which you should Google). I'm really interested in the magic and strangeness of childhood and all the bizarre horrors inflicted upon us by our parents. This doodle could become the basis for a proper drawing or painting.